​DNS hosting provider: Choose the best one for you

If you are getting lots of traffic, congrats! Then your business needs are for sure growing too, and it is time to get a reliable DNS hosting provider. There are many providers on the market, but we will make your search easier with these recommendations.

DNS Made Easy

Over 20 years in the DNS business shows much about this provider’s consistency. It offers 4 DNS plans (DNS-5, DNS-25, DNS-50, and Enterprise). Rates vary from $14.50 to $145 per month, billed annually. The Enterprise plan is a customizable one, so you pay for the specific needs you cover. What plans offer:

  • Include from 5 to 50 domains.
  • To add from 1,500 to 15,000 DNS records.
  • 5M to 50M queries per month.
  • 1 to 10 Failover records.
  • 2 or 3-factor authentication.
  • 100% SLA-backed.
  • 30-day free trial.


It is a quality and reliable DNS hosting provider. It has 1 free plan and 4 paid ones (Premium S, M, L, and Enterprise) with features to suit all types and sizes of businesses. Costs, features, and limits vary among plans. The Premium S costs just $2.95, the M is $4.95 (so far the most popular plan), and the L is $14.95 monthly.

Suggested article: Premium DNS: Should you invest in it?

What you get for these rates is:

  • From 4 (free plan) to 8 DNS servers.
  • Anycast DNS network with 34 PoPs.
  • Management of 1, 400, and unlimited DNS zones.
  • Addition of 50, 20,000, or unlimited DNS records.
  • DNS queries per month, from 500K, to unlimited.
  • Mail forwards from 1, 1,000, or unlimited.
  • DNS failover and monitoring checks, from 1 to unlimited.
  • Email forwarding from 1 (Free plan) to Unlimited (Entreprise plan)
  • Domain parking
  • 30-day free trial.
  • 24/7 live chat support.


Professional service and well-featured plans, 1 free, 3 paid (Personal, Professional, and Business). Prices go from $5 to $250 monthly, but if you sign up for a yearly plan, you get 2 months for free. Plans include different features and limits, but in general, you can get:

  • 5 domains. You can add more by paying a fee.
  • Resource records from 1,000 per domain to unlimited.
  • From 10,000,000 DNS queries to unlimited.
  • Anycast DNS.
  • DNS DDoS Protection.
  • Mail Forwards only avaible for paid plans (1 for Personal, 10 for Professional and 50 for Business)
  • Free 14-day trial for Personal and Professional plans.


As it says, simple and reliable for you. It includes an attractive feature, unlimited DNS queries for all its 3 plans, Personal, Professional, and Business. Costs go from $6, $30, to $300 monthly. But by paying yearly, you can save the cost of 2 months. Remember, the different plans include different features and limits. Generally, this is what you can receive:

  • Unlimited DNS records.
  • Anycast DNS.
  • From 1 user to unlimited users.
  • Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.
  • Multi-layered security DDoS protection.
  • Flexibility. You can add features to cover specific needs.
  • Email forwardings
  • 30-day free trial.


DNS hosting is a strong need for big and growing businesses. Always check plans’ rates and conditions. Choose the best DNS provider for you, meaning the one that fully covers your business needs and fits your budget. If your business DNS is in good hands, growth won’t be a problem.

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TLD (Top-Level Domain) – Everything you need to know about it

If you are going online with your business, congrats! But if you are choosing whatever TLD, stop right there! First, read everything you need to know about it.

What does TLD mean?

TLD means Top-Level-Domain and is the last domain name element.

Domain name construction involves three elements separated by a dot. On the left side, you have the subdomain (www). Then, you find the name or brand that introduces the type of business you own (example domain), and this is called Second Level Domain (SLD). Finally, in the end, the Top-Level-Domain comes (.us, .org, .net, .gov, .com). Now, you can easily visualize it, www.exampledomain.org.

Future Trends in TLDs

Types of TLD

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICAAN) establishes the following categories for TLDs.

gTLD or generic top-level domains.

A wide variety of domains can be registered using generic TLDs. Here you will find very well-known choices such as .com and .org, used to make a difference between profitable and non-profitable businesses, .net, .info, and many more.

sTLD or sponsored top-level domains.

These are TLDs supported by specific groups, industries, organizations, professional fields, etc. Examples: .gov, .travel, .edu, .post, .jobs, etc.

ccTLD or country code top-level domains.

These TLDs are directly linked to countries or regions. They use a two-letter code to refer to the country. ccTLDs are a very convenient choice for identifying domains operating in specific countries or regions. If you plan to target a local market, you should think about using its TLD. For instance, .mx for Mexico, .nl for the Netherlands, .cn for China, .fr for France, etc.

Infrastructure top-level domain.

There is only one official TLD in this category, the Address and Routing Parameter Area or ARPA. It is exclusively available for the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Is TLD important?

Yes, the TLD is an integral part of the process of setting up a domain. The recommendation is to pick the one for your business accurately because:

  • TLD is the second highest level in the DNS hierarchy. Without it, a domain name just won’t work.
  • It provides key information to users, like the purpose of the domain, IP geolocation, and owner’s identity. This improves visitors’ trust to access your domain and purchase your ideas, products, or services.
  • It is a sign of legitimacy to potential visitors.
  • An accurate TLD for your domain is as important as having a memorable brand (SLD) for people to remember and access your domain.
  • Once you define your domain name, it has to be registered, and that costs. The final price will vary based on the registrar you pick to arrange this process and the TLD you finally choose. Consider that there are many TLDs, and they have different costs. Make that investment pay off!


The TLD is an important component of your domain name. They are very few letters, but they are essential to clarify necessary information related to your business. Choose your TLD smartly!

TLD (Top-Level Domain) – Everything you need to know about it Read More »

Get familiar with Web hosting

Explanation of the purpose of Web hosting

It is the process of allotting space on a server to store all of a website’s contents, including images, videos, text, and program code. Many different hosting firms offer this as a service. For your website (and all the files that make up it) to be accessible online, Web hosting is a requirement.

Consider it similar to the internet environment in which your website will exist. For example, it’s similar to looking for a rental house online when you look for a web host.

Benefits of using it

  1. Increase Site Performance. The functionality of your website is essential for online success. In actuality, you only have a brief window of time to grab the interest of your audience before they press the return button and leave your website. Therefore, if it takes a long time for your website to load, chances are that visitors won’t stay. Fast loading speeds facilitate client access to your products and raise your website’s search engine rating.
  2. Data Repair. This is one of the most significant benefits of using Web hosting services. Because losing your data implies losing your reputation, it is always crucial for you to maintain your data secure with regular and current backups.
  3. Technical Assistance. The majority of businesses that provide Web hosting services guarantee it, assisting in resolving inquiries and issues with the website, server, and configuration needs.

Drawbacks of Web hosting

  1. Security. The main disadvantage of a Web hosting service is that it needs to offer more protection. If a DDoS, DoS, or DNS spoofing attack occurs, your website will not be protected and will go down. To prevent this from happening, use load balancing solutions, DDoS Protection services, Premium DNS, etc., which you can find in all DNS hosting providers.
  2. Access to Less Resources. All of the resources that are available to you are shared by everyone because you are using a shared server. That implies that many users share your RAM, CPU, and storage space.

How are domain names and Web hosting related to one another?

Web hosting and domain names (with it TLD) are two distinct services. But they collaborate to build a website. The information about the various domain names given to various entities is contained in a Domain Name System (DNS), which is comparable to a considerable address book that is regularly updated.

Each domain name has a website hosting service address that is used to store the website’s files. People cannot find your website without domain names, and you cannot create a website without Web hosting.


Web hosting is a critical component of developing your website and market presence. Therefore, it’s crucial to comprehend it and be aware of how it could improve the performance of your website.

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Premium DNS: Should you invest in it?

Premium DNS: What is it?

You might receive more of everything if you use a Premium DNS service. More DNS servers and zones are accessible. Furthermore, you have more influence over how the traffic flows. You’ll notice a difference in loading speed once you start utilizing it. Additionally, it will result in better security, SEO, and uptime.

If you can’t afford downtime for your company, you should look into the Premium DNS service. A DNS solution like this could be beneficial for any more extensive website than a little personal blog.

If the number of visitors keeps increasing, you should seriously consider this service.

Do you need to invest in Premium DNS?

Several valuable features are available with Premium DNS as a service. However, it does more than help your website run smoothly. Here are some of its principal advantages:

  • Maintain the security of your website. The use of a Premium DNS service raises the level of protection for your website to new heights. It, therefore, defends you against DoS and DDoS attacks. The validity and integrity of the transferred data are also preserved.
  • Accelerate the speed. Users leave your site if it doesn’t load promptly, as demonstrated by statistics. Therefore, making sure your website loads quickly is a good idea. How do you accomplish that? Through the use of the Premium DNS service. Your website will be quick and easily accessible from anywhere in the world thanks to its global network and several servers.
  • DNSSEC. Support for Domain Name System Security Extensions is another feature that Premium DNS supports. It is a specification that adds another layer of security to websites and web applications to protect them from cyberattacks (DoS attacks, DDoS attacks, DNS spoofing, etc.)

So, should you invest in it? The answer is yes! If your business generates a lot of traffic, the Premium DNS service may be worthwhile to explore. This way, you will be able to regulate it and your global presence. In this situation, continuous uptime is essential. You must be equipped to react to millions of international inquiries.

What do you need to know before paying for it?

  • What market or markets are you aiming for?

Verify the locations of the DNS servers used by potential DNS providers. Even international service providers do not uniformly cover the globe.

  • How many DNS queries must your DNS service be able to process each month?

Some plans are unlimited, however, they can be out of your price range. Determine how many inquiries you require. With a Free plan, you can do it and see when your restrictions are about to be reached.

  • What number of DNS records do you require?

The quantity of DNS records is restricted in all plans, even Premium ones. Therefore, it is likely that you will be able to host thousands of data, but it is still helpful to be aware of this in advance.

  • Do you necessitate any additional features?

GeoDNS, DDNS, DNSSEC, load balancing, etc. Only Premium subscriptions offer a number of these helpful features. So, give it a chance!

  • Is it expensive?

The price depends entirely on the supplier you choose. Prices can vary between $3 and $30 for 1 month. Although the capabilities offered by Premium DNS are fantastic, they don’t really matter to a regular web client. Nevertheless, it might be required in the future, making it a partially redundant offering.


In conclusion, we can say that Premium DNS is a really helpful feature. So, it’s worth giving it a chance and investing in it. Good luck!

Premium DNS: Should you invest in it? Read More »